Tuesday, February 19, 2013

behind the Devil's Backbone

Right on the outskirts of Loveland - maybe 10 minutes from our house? - lies a rock formation that's known as the Devil's Backbone.

Here's someone else's photo of it:

Anyway, behind the Backbone are some hiking trails, which I assume lead up to the top..but I'm not sure.  The other Saturday we decided late in the afternoon to check them out, but we didn't get very far because we started out too late (the sun sets about an hour earlier here due to the mountains) and because we brought along our red wagon.  (In Colorado, when a sign says "Bicycle Accessible " don't expect a paved trail.  The bicycles referred to are mountain bikes.  Now you know...and so do we!  :-)  But we still enjoyed our time outdoors together.

Below are a few shots of what lies behind and below the Devil's Backbone.  I snapped these while wearing Eli and helping maneuver the wagon - it doesn't take much to get a pretty landscape photo in Colorado!

Here you can see a little of the Backbone beyond the trees.

See what I mean about the trails?  At least Nathan and Marie are enjoying themselves!  ;-)

Almost to the van!

Will silhouetted.
Hope you enjoyed the hike!

O LORD, how manifold are Thy works! in wisdom hast Thou made them all:
the earth is full of Thy riches.
~ Psalm 104:24