Monday, January 9, 2012

The Word

Last week the blogging world was a abuzz with New Year's resolutions: determinations to lose weight, de-clutter, better organize, eat healthier.  Another idea that many bloggers endorsed was that of choosing one word to give direction to the year 2012.  Like the Chinese and their Year of the Dragon, these resolute individuals proclaimed 2012 the Year of Communion, Faith, Purpose, Temple...  And they write compellingly, convincingly about how or why they have entitled 2012 as they have.

And me?

Not only am I a whole week behind, I'm not even sure what word I would pick to give me the direction I need for today, much less the whole year.  The next few weeks are intimidating enough without considering the eleven months that follow.

But, thank God, I've got the Word.

My one resolution - if you could call it that - is the same passing thought I've had at the beginning of the past several years, which goes to show how good I am with resolutions.  I need to know God's Word.  I need to to be busier reading, meditating, memorizing, praying that Word each day.

Because if I know anything, I know this:  when the Word is my priority, the other things get put into perspective, they fall into place.

It's the Word that fits when I can't find strength to pull off the covers and climb out of bed, when I seek wisdom to discipline my son yet again, when I need patience to meet the dirty stack of another day with a 18-month hold clinging to my pant legs, when I can't quiet my thoughts amid this tumult of kids and pets and grimy floors.  The Word, ultimately, that brings me joy as we play kickball in the face of the setting son, wonder as we watch the golden moon climb the sky over the barn, peace as I unfold the events of another day in a sleepy house, over a basket of still-warm laundry.  The Word that encourages me, reproves me, comforts me when I afraid, makes my heart sing.

The Word that I will need to resolve to whet not just once, but ten thousand times this year.

If you've come here curious what my word for the new year is, I'm sorry to disappoint.
No such inspiration today.

But you and I have the Word to direct us each day of this new year.

And it's all we need.