Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Summer's End, School's Beginning

"Sunflower, how I long to be like you!
Glorifying God in all I do.
Following the Son and His path of light..."
(Katherine R. Lane)

In the jungle...I mean, the garden.

Camping and play-dough - what fun!

Boys will be boys.

Kara, Marie and Kate.


Birthday Dirt.

Thanks for the alligator, Caleb!

Can it be?!  Baby Girls is 2 years old!

Nathan's first smiles (and a giggle!) are for Daddy.

All ready for the first day of school.

Nathan, (almost) 1 month old.

"If you think I'm handsome, you should see my daddy."  ;-)


Do you need some encouragement today?  I did, and in God's providence I turned on BOTT radio just in time to hear the story of Joan Brock.  God used her message to encourage me in the trials I face.  Go to http://www.focusonthefamily.com/ and sort the broadcasts by date to find the post from this date, which is entitled "More Than Meets the Eye."