Thursday, July 26, 2012

our house

(is a very, very, very fine house)

OK, so I told some of you shortly after we moved that I'd walk around and take pictures of the place we now make our home...but I never got around to it.  Here are some.  Come along with me on a tour.

Here's the street view.   Let's head in the front door...
...which takes us right into the living room (and you can see on into the dining room/kitchen and through to the backyard).

Our wall of fame...I mean, frames.  ;-)  
Now let's head into the kitchen.
Looking the opposite direction, note my favorite thing in this room - the pallet shelves B.J. made for me by hacking the ends off the pallet that used to hold Bien & Bunny's hay back in Iowa.  Very, very handy for holding Bibles, Sunday school materials, etc., especially since the dining room is a bit of a tight fit when everyone's seated at the table.
OK, now past the dining room and down a short hallway.  You'll first encounter the bathroom on your right...
...then the boys' room on your left...

...B.J.'s and my room at the end of the hallway...

...and the girls' room just to the right of ours.

Now back to the kitchen, around the refrigerator, and down the stairs you'll find this big room where the kids play, I sew, and where I'm typing right now...

...and the room where you'll sleep when you come to visit!  :-)
Now, back upstairs and out the patio door next to the dining room table.  I'll just pan the backyard.

The garden.

And in case you're singing Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young in your head, we've even got two cats in the yard.  Here's Sunflower...

...and Twinkle.  We took them with us from Iowa, and they are doing fine.  The kids love them as much as ever.

And here's the back view.  Thanks for taking the tour!  Hope you're better able to picture us in our house now!


  1. Sar, I love it! Thanks so much for the tour! Everything looks so nice. I have always loved your decorating style. I like the yellow in your room! And the PHOTO WALL looks AMAZING! Now I'm more determined than ever to put one of those up. . . :)
    Can't wait til we visit someday!

  2. Loved the tour, Sarah. It looks like a very nice house. The pallet shelves were the first things I noticed. Love 'em. Andy might be making me some soon :) I would love to see it in person some time. Take care!
