Monday, July 9, 2012

good things*

* Credit: Val.  :-)

- four - yes, four - evenings of rain, lovely rain, right in a row!
- a date night (Lindors and Cribbage after the kids were in bed)
- a new book
- bedroom curtains in the breeze
-a quiet Saturday - all at home, all day...which leaves time for a make-believe birthday party on the back patio!

Whose birthdays?  Why, Grasey ("Gracie" - a.k.a. Marie) and Jo-Jo (a.k.a Willem), of course!

The guests of honor.

Gracie and Jo-Jo's "Mom," our host, adds a few finishing touches.

Nathan checks on the goodies.

Time for gifts!

Willem's great at feigning delight...

...which perplexes Nathan not a little.
Aren't these toys we play with every day?
Time to help "Mom" serve dessert.

Silly "Grandpa"!

Phew!  Finally!  Time to eat.

And time to play to with the decorations!

Love my Little Man!

Thanks for coming to our party!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sar, thanks for posting these!. . . I can just see it! The "delighted Will" and "confused Nathan" pictures cracked me up. . . love these kids!
