Wednesday, April 24, 2013

only eight days

(From yesterday - as I write this, it's sunny, 50 degrees, and almost no snow on the ground.  We're looking forward to 70 degrees this weekend!)

The robins are back,
The finches attack
The seed in the crab apple tree.
But the snow doesn’t know
That it’s time to go –
It so loves to frolic with me.
Mama assures us that Spring will come soon –
The trees and the lilacs will flower.
So we built us a snowman while yet we still could
And enjoyed yet another snow shower.
For soon all will melt and long stay away -
In only eight days ‘twill be May!

(Twink likes to perch outside the kitchen window and watch me work.
 I open the window to snap the kids, and he sees his chance to sneak inside!)


  1. Love the poem! I appreciate the rhyme as well as the rhythm :)

  2. Oh I love this post. Nice job making the best of it! This too shall pass. . . and probably very quickly! :)
