Thursday, November 29, 2012

just in case

Just in case you have a 6-year-old son whose kindergarten teacher gives him an ink pen that doubles as a flashing, multi-colored light for his birthday.

And just in case that quick-witted lad sneaks this blinking ballpoint into his bed and flaunts it at his siblings in the trundle below and in the room across the hall when all are supposed to be asleep.

And just in case he’s been reprimanded for the above so he proceeds to dismantle the gadget for entertainment instead.

And just in case you and your hubby are in the kitchen steeping tea and jigging because whew! they’re all in bed! and looking forward to cuddling on the couch when you hear a “Psssssttt!” from down that hall.

And just in case the hubby trudges down said hall to the room of the Psssssttter and stomps back disbelieving:  the. boy. swallowed. a. battery.   ?!?!?!?

Just in case all of the above, there is a National Battery Ingestion Hotline for those susceptible to said consumption.

And the people at the end of that line will calmly query, “And why did the child put the battery into his mouth?”  And you might snort at the absurdity of it all.  Why, indeed?  For safekeeping?  For use as a supersonic spitwad?  And the Battery Ingestion Expert will recommend the ER and an x-ray and Is the child having difficulty breathing? Because then an ambulance is in order.  And meanwhile you are trying to determine if the steam crawling the kitchen wall opposite you is trailing from the teapot or your dear husband’s ears.

And FYI, the Hotline people will proceed to call periodically following the incident wondering if said object has “passed.”  Now, you might feel as if you are exposed to enough excrement in a day, what with a 3-month old and being in the process of potty-training the 2-year-old, but so be it.  If it’s going to save another several hundred, the dear husband says we will be searching the stool.

Just in case.

Now you know.


  1. Oh for the love - this account of the story is even more priceless than the one I heard yesterday. Ohhh Will. :)

  2. Replies
    1. Not yet... :-P
      I know I wrote the post on a light-hearted note, and overall, it is very funny, but I do know (now) that if a button battery gets lodged in a child's esophagus, it can be serious because the acid from the battery is capable of burning a hole in the tissue. Will's battery had made it's merry way to his tummy already an hour after he swallowed it, and if it all does not come out well on the other end, we'll take him in for a second x-ray. :-)

  3. Oh my! I'm laughing, but only because it's not my kid :) Not to mention that older kid poop is much more disgusting than baby poop! I wish you all the in, I hope for your sake that you don't have to pick through very much more poop before you find it!

  4. Oh Sarah, that is downright scary!! I sure hope it comes out alright and soon!
    I have to say though, that you wrote about it in a very entertaining way!

  5. I'd have the Pssstttter check for the battery. ;-)
    That'll learn him.
