Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Word for the new year - Ecclesiastes 9:10

                One year ago, my husband and I decided we would move our family from Iowa to Colorado.  I was two months pregnant with our fifth child and overwhelmed with the events that marked the next 12 months as regular as the inch markings on a ruler.  On January 9, 2012, I wrote:

Not only am I a whole week behind, I'm not even sure what word I would pick to give me the direction I need for today, much less the whole year.  The next few weeks are intimidating enough without considering the eleven months that follow.  But, thank God, I've got the Word.  My one resolution - if you could call it that - is the same passing thought I've had at the beginning of the past several years, which goes to show how good I am with resolutions.  I need to know God's Word.  I need to be busier reading, meditating, memorizing, praying that Word each day.  Because if I know anything, I know this:  when the Word is my priority, the other things get put into perspective, they fall into place.

                Now here I am, 12 months later, 685 miles away, and baby Eli playing next to me on the sofa.  I turned 30 last month, we’ve just returned from our first trip “back home,” and 2013 stretches out long in front of me.
                “Do you have a New Year’s resolution?”  I ask my husband this on our first night back here.
                “Try harder,” he responds.
                “Try harder?”  I echo.  “Try harder at what?”
                “Try harder at everything,” he says.  “Do a better job of explaining what I’m reading during family devotions.  Play more with the kids.  Plan better for school.  Spend more time with you...”
                It’s the next morning that I read Ecclesiastes 9:10:  “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, wither thou goest.”  That verse pretty well sums up me right now.  Wanting to try harder.  To do better.  At many things.  In many areas.  As wife, mother, daughter, friend, neighbor.  And all with the sense of the rapid passing of time and my own mortality looming over me.
2013.  So far the only event marked on the ruler is my sister’s wedding in June, six inches in.  My resolution for this year is the same as last’s, with one word added: I want to better live God’s Word.  I’ve written down specific goals for myself, because I hope to measure this year by my progress in living rather than the events in my life.  I’ve written down those goals knowing that only if the Lord wills, I will live and do this, or that.  (James 4:15)
And in those moments when I can see only the eighth of an inch in front of me?  Then I’ll turn to Ecclesiastes 9:10.  And to Colossians 3:23-24: “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.”
And I’ll pray for the grace to do just what I am doing with all of my might.

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