Most of B.J.'s family traveled to our home and camped here for 5 days last week. Our yard was complete with six tents and even a port-a-john.
Things were somewhat chaotic Saturday evening, when we were hit with a fierce thunderstorm. One tent was flooded, and everyone moved inside for a good night's sleep before Sunday. Since we don't have enough room for everyone in our home, some dispersed to the homes of my family members that night. In spite of the chaos it brought, the storm was followed by a beautiful rainbow.

Other photos from the week:
Playing in the pool.
B.J. and his dad spent part of Saturday afternoon making dumplings for Sunday dinner.
The boys reading their scavenger hunt treasure map.
Ryan and Anthony.
Anthony, all tuckered out.
Tia, Shadow's sister, belongs to B.J.'s parents, so even Shadow had someone to play with.
Leah coloring.
Trista coloring.
Trista and Addi (and Dan? ;) coloring.
All the boys - even Ian - had to take a turn on the motorcycles or the moped.
Tractor ride!
Crafting with Grandma.
Whitney and Willem could pass as brother and sister.
Marie, Addi, and Kinsley eating their candy.
Leah and Tori.
What an enjoyable week we had!
Thanks for sharing the pictures. Looks like lots of fun! Jenna and Evan say they never have THAT much fun with their cousins ; )