God brought my sister Sherry to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on Monday, as part of team of dental, medical, and construction workers who were going to serve the impoverished there for ten days. Sherry is a dental hygenist.
On Tuesday, God sent that region the greatest earthquake they have had in 200 years. The devastation in the city is serious, with many buildings crumbled, and possibly thousands dead.

My parents received a brief e-mail yesterday evening, saying that all members of the team from Northwest Iowa were safe and are helping with medical operations. Thanks to God for their safety!
Heavenly Father, You are sovereign. Your ways are past finding out. In Your providence, You have placed Sherry in that foreign country at this time. Care for her, equip to do the work that Thou hast called her to do, and bring her home safely at Thy appointed time.
Can't wait to have you home, Sherry!
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