"Hello, Summer"?
Seeing as we are actually approaching the end of month one of summer vacation, that title is a bit off. But in some ways I feel as I've been doing a month-long bob in the deep end and have just surfaced, here, at the computer, gasping for air. From that point of view, I guess the title fits. It's not that I haven't enjoyed summer thus far. I have. It's been warm and wonderful, invigorating and...intense. In fact...yes, indeed...my dictionary's definition of "intense" reads "summer vacation with seven young children." (Never you mind exactly what dictionary that is. ;-)
Below are some photos to bring you up to speed on the late "May-hem" and merrymaking of the Mowerys.
Our sweet James Elliot turned 1 on May 4. His one-year photos were reminiscent of Nathan's - he only smiled big by Dad. |
Our silly Sean Edward turned 3 on May 19. |
Nathan and his kindergarten class at graduation. |
The entire school. |
The highlight for the kindergarteners is the party in the church basement that follows the ceremony. The morning of graduation Nathan said to me, "This is going to be the best day of my life." ;-) |
My Mother's Day gift from Will (a hot pink lava lamp :-D) was a big hit with the kids. |
B.J. had one week off before heading back to school, this time as a student taking grad courses at CSU. He stayed busy that week! He built this bookshelf dollhouse for the girls... |
...an arcade with the boys... |
...and gave me my Mother's Day gift from him, a day all to myself. I spent my favorite part of that day hiking and photographing at nearby Devil's Backbone. |
Classic Eli. :-) |
We drove the hour to Rocky Mountain National Park this morning and hiked with the kids for a little while. |
Beautiful Sprague Lake. |
And we went to a car show, too. |
Several members of our church family had cars in the show. |
We pray that you are rejoicing in God's good gifts lately, too...no matter how intense your summer may be! :-)